Uniquely Purposed Publishing

Uniquely Purposed Publishing is a boutique publisher that provides guidance for all your self-publishing needs. We offer step-by-step guidance while publishing your book for you. We offer consultations and full publishing to all authors. Our motto is simple: We create what you design and keep your unique purpose in mind.

Testimony from an Author

There are so many things that I can say about Nakeyia Jones, my Publisher. Nakeyia has so much patience. Whenever I would panic or become overwhelmed she would keep me calm. She’s professional and very reliable. Her love for people makes communicating with her so comforting. She is extremely resourceful. Her word is bond. If she told me something it was always executed in the timeframe specified. She cheered me on every step of the way. When the book was finished she celebrated with me. Nakeyia is an awesome woman and she has a heart of gold. Thank you, Nakeyia, for being a Publisher that cares.

Joyce Smith
Entrepreneur, Writer and Speaker.

Packages Available:

Pocket Book​

Novel/Self Help​

Children's Book​

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